18th Oct 2015

Pro-Life Walk- October 17, 2015

On Saturday, October 17, 2015 brothers from the Long Valley Knights of Columbus Council participated in a 1.2 mile Pro Life Walk.  The walk was sponsored, organized and facilitated by...

08th Oct 2015

Reopening of Our Lady Of The Mountain Church

On Sunday October 4th, Our Lady of the Mountain reopened at the 7;45 Mass.  Members of the KOC Fourth Degree Color Corps were at attendance at this mass.  Attached is...

28th Sep 2015

Council’s 25th Year Certificate

Tom Sanders presented the  25th anniversary certificate to our council, that he received at the last Federation meeting.  

28th Sep 2015

Two New Members Make First Degree

On Tuesday night, September 15, 2015, our council inducted Guy Armenti and Justin Latran into the first degree.  This was our councils first  time at conducting a First Degree.

28th Sep 2015

St. Mark’s Parish Picnic

On Sunday September 20, 2015 St. Mark’s held their annual Parish picnic which was open to St. Mark’s and OLM parishioners. The cooking was done by our council. Below are...

10th Sep 2015

New Deacons Recognized

On September 8, 2015 Grand Knight Pat Gibbons presented Daily Roman Missals to Deacon Jim Jones and Deacon Nick Ardito in recognition of their being ordained Deacons in our OLM...

22nd Aug 2015

National Day of Protest at Planned Parenthood, Morristown

On Saturday, August 22, 2015, former Culture of Life Committee Chair, now Worthy Grand Knight, Brother Pat Gibbons (center), current Culture of Life Committee Chair (foreground) Brother Dan Flaherty of...

09th Aug 2015

Vets Summer Fest 2015

On Saturday, August 8, 2015  the “Vets Summer Fest” was held at Vasa Park, Budd Lake, NJ, supported in a large way,  by brothers from our council.  The day was...

03rd Aug 2015

Grover’s Annual Picnic 2015

On Sunday afternoon, August 2, 2015, many of our brothers and their family’s gathered again at Grover’s and  Judy’s  “Yellow House Farm” for their annual picnic.  A great time was...

03rd Aug 2015

Grover’s Annual Picnic 2015

On Sunday afternoon, August 2, 2015, many of our brothers and their family’s gathered again at Grover’s and  Judy’s  “Yellow House Farm” for their annual picnic.  A great time was...