Right to Life March in Washington DC
On Thursday, January 22, 2015 five OLM Knights and one member of the Columbiettes, climbed on board bus number 922 headed for the 42nd annual Right to Life March in...
On Thursday, January 22, 2015 five OLM Knights and one member of the Columbiettes, climbed on board bus number 922 headed for the 42nd annual Right to Life March in...
On Saturday, January 17, 2015, future basketball stars, participated in the Long Valley KOC basketball free-throw contest. The contest was open to all boy and girls between the ages of...
This morning Dan Flaherty participated in a Right To Life jog/walk. The jog itself was conducted around Park Lake in Rockaway, NJ, just one block from St. Cecilia’s RC Church....
On December 28, 2014, over 65 Knights, Columbiettes, and their families gathered at St Marks for a Christmas social. The guests enjoyed plenty of food, a variety of drinks and...
On Thursday morning, 12/18/14, members of our council presented a check for over $900, to Birth Haven in Newton, NJ, from the net proceeds from our Right to Life Drive. ...
On December 6, 2014 Council 10419 held its annual Community Auction at St, Luke’s Church. Chaired by our Deputy Grand Knight, Pat Gibbons, we had very successful event. The following...
On November 20, 2014, Eric Woelfel made his First Degree at St. Patrick’s in Chatham. Dave Kibler,, Lou Monteforte, Tom Sanders, and John Clary attended the Exemplification in support of...
Through the Supreme Council awards program, councils qualify for recognition by excelling in membership growth (Father McGivney Award), insurance membership growth (Founders’ Award), and quality service programs (Columbian Award) . ...
Today,Sunday, November 2nd a Mass for deceased brothers was held at 9:30 at St Mark’s.
The 2014 Knights of Columbus statewide retreat was held at San Alfonso Retreat House, 755 Ocean Ave, Long Branch, NJ, October 24-26, 2014. The theme for this year’s...