Thursday Morning Coffee Cub
Our Thursday morning coffee club meets at St. Marks, 9:00 AM. Come join us help solve the world’s problems and many other topics. Just bring your own cup of Coffee and enjoy...
Our Thursday morning coffee club meets at St. Marks, 9:00 AM. Come join us help solve the world’s problems and many other topics. Just bring your own cup of Coffee and enjoy...
On October 18,2022 we held a CUF Degree at St Luke’s. We welcome four new members.
At our October meeting Walt Lublanecki was presented a plaque for being select as “Knight of the Year” by our council. Presenting the plaque was our District Deputy and Grank...
On September 18, 2022, our fellow Knights cooked hamburgers and hotdogs for the St Mark’ s Picnic.
On Tuesday evening, Sept 13, from 6:30 – 9:00 PM, our Knights of Columbus council hosted an open house at St. Luke’s Church. Men over the age of 18, as...
It was a wonderful day at Monmouth Park on Sunday day Aug 21. The weather was superb and the company was even better.
On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at ARC in Flanders, New Jersey a presentation of a check for $1830.60 was presented to ARC Executive Director Sal Moran. Our Council collected the...
On Friday June 3, 2022 Kenneth Pruckowski & Benard Schettino became members of our council by completing the Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity (CUF Degree).
On Sunday May 29, 2022 members of our council marched in the Hackettstown Memorial Day Parade.
On Tuesday March 8, 2022 Tom Sanders was honored by his fellow council brothers and guest dignitaries for being a Knight of Columbus for 50 years. Congratulations Tom. The following...