CUF Degree January 12, 2023

This photograph was taken on Thursday, January 12, 2023 at Our Lady of the Mountain Church,
Long Valley, New Jersey. The occasion was the induction of these three new members into the
CUF Degree of our Long Valley Council No. 10419. The degree was performed by our Long
Valley Degree Team.
Beginning July 1, 2020, the individual Admission, Formation, and Knighthood Degrees (a.k.a.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Degrees) were merged into a new Charity, Unity, and Fraternity (CUF) Degree.
Exemplification Personnel:
Mike Leyden
Presiding Officer (Master of Ceremonies)
John Groel
Presenter on Charity (Teaches the Lesson on Charity)
John Larkin
Presenter on Unity (Teaches the Lesson on Unity)
Renny Hodgskin
Presenter on Fraternity (Teaches the Lesson on Fraternity)
Rick Wagner
Patrick Conboy
Warden (Guides the Candidates)
Charlie Van Stone
Investing Officer (Presents rosaries and lapel pins to the Candidates)
(compliments of John Clary)