2026 Basketball Free Throw Contest Date TBD.
The Knights of Columbus will be holding the annual Free Throw Contest at St. Luke Church on xx/xx/xxx. It is open to all boys and girls ages 9-14. Proof of age is required. .
- The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is open to all boys and girls, ages 9 – 14.
*Age eligibility is determined by the age of the contestant as of January 1, 2025.*
Court and Age Group Scoring
- Ages 9, 10, 11 Boys and Girls Competitions
Using a women’s regulation size basketball shoot 15 shots from a 12 foot foul line at a 10 foot high basket.
- Ages 12, 13, 14 Girls Competition
Using a women’s regulation size basketball shoot 15 shots from a regulation 15 foot foul line at a 10 foot high basket.
- Ages 12, 13, 14 Boys Competition
Using a men’s regulation size basketball shoot 15 shots from a 15 foot foul line at a 10 foot high
- Warm up shots allowed prior to scoring.
- Each contestant gets a certificate of participation.
- Winners in each category receive a Champion Certificate
- Winners have the opportunity to move on to the District Championships.
- Registration
- Participants may register at the door on the evening of the Free Throw Championship or by downloading the form at www.lvkofc.org, filling it out beforehand and bringing it on the 27th
You may register at the door or download the form here.
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