Right to Life March in Washington DC
On Thursday, January 22, 2015 five OLM Knights and one member of the Columbiettes, climbed on board bus number 922 headed for the 42nd annual Right to Life March in Washington DC. Several brother Knights from the Elizabeth Ann Seton Council were also present as were a few parents and an abundance of students. Every seat on the bus was filled. We arrived without incident in Washington DC around lunch time and commenced to join in the long line of marchers. It was a cool day, somewhere in the 40’s but it was clear and just perfect for marching. The March was a beautiful thing that culminated on Constitution Avenue in front of the United States Supreme Court. We, all 500,000 of us, were proud to take part in the March. As Knights we realize the sanctity and preciousness of all human life…of all of God’s creations and will do our best to help overturn Roe vs. Wade.
Pictures below:

L-R, Brother Knights Dan Flaherty, Remo Canova, Walt Lublanecki, Bob Farrington upon arrival in Washington DC.

L-R, Brother Knights, Dan Flaherty, Remo Canova, Walt Lublanecki and Bob Farrington stand in front of the United States Supreme Court. Security was enhanced. A very small group of protesters was nearby but not in camera view.